Tessera is a multifunctional road design and construction program. While it has been designed with large scale projects in mind, it is very practical and efficient even for smaller tasks. It offers a range of sophisticated features for precise planning, analysis, and production of drawings as well as tables. Anadelta Tessera is the platform of choice for Greek road construction and design companies.
Tessera is highly configurable and can be easily adapted to each specific project's parameters. It includes a sophisticated terrain system which supports features such as breaklines, nested calculation boundaries, extensive post-processing capabilities as well as advanced visualization capabilities.
It is very easy to define the initial road layout, which can later be refined by using the program's advanced road planning functions. Tessera features a complete set of transition curves which can be freely combined to produce the actual corridor layout. The roadway surface is constantly recalculated and visible during the design stage. The corridor sidelines are computed by taking into account the initial road width as well as any widenings that the user has placed along the road.
During the next stage, the program produces the terrain profile along the corridor as well as at the cross sections. The long section can be modified by using the mouse, while the program displays helpful information such as slopes and height differences to the user as well as any specific geometric properties of the road at the current working position.
By taking advantage of the rich library of typical cross section templates included in the program, the user can quickly and accurately model the required cross sections. Even if an exact match is not found, the user can either modify an existing typical cross section or visually construct a new one from scratch. In either case, the new cross section is added back to the library. After applying the selected typical cross section template, the resulting cross sections can be freely edited and the program will recalculate all affected quantities.
Finally, Tessera can print and export all generated designs and tables. The printing process is highly configurable, satisfying even the most sophisticated presentation needs.